Monday, September 16, 2024

The 5 most popular Portuguese desserts

1. Pastéis de Nata

Pastéis de Nata, also known as Pastéis de Belém, are a symbol of Portuguese culinary heritage. These custard tarts have a crisp, flaky crust and a creamy custard filling. They were created by monks expelled from the Jerónimos Monastery in the 19th century.

Tourists from all over the world line up at the Pastéis de Nata Factory in Lisbon to try this marvel of Portuguese cuisine. You can enjoy them hot or cold, with or without cinnamon. One bite and you’re hooked.

If you travel to Portugal, you must try a Pastel de Nata. It is one of those experiences you cannot forget. This dessert is undoubtedly the most famous sweet in Portugal and a true icon of local cuisine.

2. Toucinho do Céu

Toucinho do Céu, which means bacon from heaven, is a traditional Portuguese dessert. Despite the name, it contains no pork. Originally, it was made with lard, but now butter is used. This dessert is a type of cake made with sugar, ground almonds, and lots of egg yolks. It was first created in convents by nuns. The most famous versions come from Guimarães, Murça, and Trás-os-Montes. Each region has its own twist on the recipe. This dessert is a must-try when exploring the best food in Portugal.

Toucinho do Céu by Chedlund808

3. Bolo de Bolacha

Bolo de Bolacha is a beloved Portuguese dessert. It’s a no-bake cake made with Maria biscuits and a creamy filling. The cake is popular with both adults and children in Portugal.

To make Bolo de Bolacha, follow these steps:

  1. Soak Maria biscuits in coffee.
  2. Layer the soaked biscuits with a butter, sugar, and egg yolk cream.
  3. Repeat the layers until you run out of ingredients.
  4. Refrigerate the cake for a few hours or overnight before serving.

This dessert is a must-try Portuguese dish you can’t miss. It’s often found at parties and birthday tables across Portugal.

4. Arroz Doce

Arroz Doce, or sweet rice pudding, is a beloved Portuguese dessert. It is made with rice, milk, sugar, eggs, cinnamon, and salt. This dish is often served chilled and flavored with lemon peel. A sprinkle of cinnamon on top creates a beautiful lattice pattern.

Ingredients (Serves 8)

  • 1 liter semi-skimmed milk
  • 200 grams caster sugar
  • 200 grams of rice
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 lemon zest
  • 3 egg yolks
  • Ground cinnamon


  1. Cook the rice in milk until soft.
  2. Add sugar, salt, and lemon zest.
  3. Stir in egg yolks for a creamy texture.
  4. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon before serving.

This dessert is a true comfort food for many Portuguese families. It brings back memories of home and family gatherings. Discover the flavors of Portuguese cuisine through iconic dishes like Arroz Doce. Each region offers unique specialties, showcasing Portugal’s rich culinary heritage.

5. Pudim Abade de Priscos

Pudim Abade de Priscos is a rich Portuguese dessert. It looks like flan or crème caramel. This dessert was created in the 19th century by Father Manuel Joaquim Machado Rebelo, the Abbot of Priscos.

This dessert is made with fifteen egg yolks, bacon, and port wine. It may not be the healthiest option, but it is one of the most delicious. Pudim Abade de Priscos is a true indulgence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most famous desserts in Portugal?

Some of the most famous desserts in Portugal include Pastéis de Nata, Toucinho do Céu, Bolo de Bolacha, Arroz Doce, and Pudim Abade de Priscos.

Yes, Pastéis de Nata is a very popular Portuguese custard tart.

What is Toucinho do Céu?

Toucinho do Céu is a traditional Portuguese almond cake that is very sweet and rich.

Is Bolo de Bolacha easy to make?

Yes, Bolo de Bolacha is a simple dessert to make. It is a no-bake cake made with layers of cookies and cream.

What is Arroz Doce?

Arroz Doce is a Portuguese rice pudding that is creamy and often flavored with cinnamon and lemon.

What makes Pudim Abade de Priscos special?

Pudim Abade de Priscos is a unique Portuguese pudding made with bacon, giving it a distinct flavor.

Are Portuguese desserts usually very sweet?

Yes, many Portuguese desserts are known for being very sweet and rich.

Where can I try these desserts in Portugal?

You can try these desserts at local bakeries, cafes, and restaurants throughout Portugal, especially in cities like Lisbon and Porto.

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