Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Bessa-Luís, Maria Judite de Carvalho, Hélia Correia, Teolinda Gersão and Lídia Jorge
This anthology introduces readers to the diverse voices of six prominent Portuguese women writers.
Their short stories and poetry delve into themes of memory, desire, social critique, and the female experience within the context of Portuguese society across different eras.
About the Authors
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919-2004): A celebrated poet known for her evocative imagery and themes of nature, childhood, and justice.
Bessa-Luís (b. 1932): A prolific novelist whose complex works dissect the dynamics of families and Portuguese society.
Maria Judite de Carvalho (1921-1998): A writer of novels and short stories, often exploring themes of isolation and female subjectivity.
Hélia Correia (b. 1949): A novelist, poet, and playwright whose work challenges social norms and explores themes of desire and mythology.
Teolinda Gersão (b. 1940): A novelist and short-story writer whose work often focuses on rural life and the experiences of women.
Lídia Jorge (b. 1946): A renowned novelist whose works grapple with Portugal’s colonial history and its post-revolutionary legacy.