Master The Portuguese Alphabet: Your First Class

In this engaging first lesson of European Portuguese, Maria introduces to the alphabet, pronunciation, and practical examples. This doundation class sets the stage for mastering the language, making it accessible and enjoyable for beginners before your next Portugal vacation.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn the pronunciation of each letter in the European Portuguese alphabet.
  • Understand how to use letters in simple words and sentences.
  • Practice pronunciation with examples for better retention.

Introduction To The Alphabet

The European Portuguese alphabet consists of 26 letters, similar to the English alphabet, but with distinct pronunciations. Each letter has its own unique sound, which is crucial for proper communication.


Letter A: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “A” is pronounced as /a/.
  • Examples:
    • a árvore (the tree)
    • E isto é uma árvore (And this is a tree)

Letter B: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “B” is pronounced as /b/.
  • Examples:
    • casa branca (white house)
    • E isto é uma casa (And this is a house)

Letter C: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “C” is pronounced as /s/ before “e” or “i” and /k/ otherwise.
  • Examples:
    • coração (heart)
    • casa (house)

Letter D: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “D” is pronounced as /d/.
  • Examples:
    • dedo (finger)
    • E isto é um dedo (And this is a finger)

Letter E: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “E” is pronounced as /ɛ/ or /e/.
  • Examples:
    • elefante (elephant)
    • E isto é um elefante (And this is an elephant)

Letter F: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “F” is pronounced as /f/.
  • Examples:
    • fogo (fire)
    • E isto é fogo (And this is fire)

Letter G: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “G” is pronounced as /ʒ/ before “e” or “i” and /g/ otherwise.
  • Examples:
    • gato (cat)
    • E isto é um gato (And this is a cat)

Letter H: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “H” is silent in Portuguese.
  • Examples:
    • hotel (hotel)
    • E isto é um hotel (And this is a hotel)

Letter I: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “I” is pronounced as /i/.
  • Examples:
    • ilha (island)
    • E isto é uma ilha (And this is an island)

Letter J: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “J” is pronounced as /ʒ/.
  • Examples:
    • jogo (game)
    • E isto é um jogo (And this is a game)

Letter K: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “K” is used in foreign words.
  • Examples:
    • kilo (kilo)
    • E isto é um kilo (And this is a kilo)

Letter L: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “L” is pronounced as /l/.
  • Examples:
    • livro (book)
    • E isto é um livro (And this is a book)

Letter M: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “M” is pronounced as /m/.
  • Examples:
    • mesa (table)
    • E isto é uma mesa (And this is a table)

Letter N: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “N” is pronounced as /n/.
  • Examples:
    • número (number)
    • E isto é um número (And this is a number)

Letter O: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “O” is pronounced as /ɔ/ or /o/.
  • Examples:
    • olho (eye)
    • E isto é um olho (And this is an eye)

Letter P: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “P” is pronounced as /p/.
  • Examples:
    • pato (duck)
    • E isto é um pato (And this is a duck)

Letter Q: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “Q” is pronounced as /k/.
  • Examples:
    • quadro (picture)
    • E isto é um quadro (And this is a picture)

Letter R: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “R” has a guttural sound, pronounced as /ɾ/ or /r/.
  • Examples:
    • rato (mouse)
    • E isto é um rato (And this is a mouse)

Letter S: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “S” is pronounced as /s/ or /ʃ/ depending on its position.
  • Examples:
    • sapo (frog)
    • E isto é um sapo (And this is a frog)

Letter T: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “T” is pronounced as /t/.
  • Examples:
    • tigre (tiger)
    • E isto é um tigre (And this is a tiger)

Letter U: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “U” is pronounced as /u/.
  • Examples:
    • urso (bear)
    • E isto é um urso (And this is a bear)

Letter V: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “V” is pronounced as /v/.
  • Examples:
    • vaca (cow)
    • E isto é uma vaca (And this is a cow)

Letter W: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “W” is used in foreign words.
  • Examples:
    • web (web)
    • E isto é uma web (And this is a web)

Letter X: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “X” is pronounced as /ʃ/ or /ks/.
  • Examples:
    • xaxim (a type of plant)
    • E isto é um xaxim (And this is a xaxim)

Letter Y: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “Y” is used in foreign words.
  • Examples:
    • yoga (yoga)
    • E isto é um yoga (And this is a yoga)

Letter Z: Pronunciation and Examples

  • Pronunciation: The letter “Z” is pronounced as /z/.
  • Examples:
    • zebra (zebra)
    • E isto é uma zebra (And this is a zebra)


Mastering the Portuguese alphabet is the first step towards fluency. By practicing the pronunciation and using examples, learners can build a strong foundation for their language journey. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be able to form sentences and communicate effectively in Portuguese!

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