Brazilian Company Claims Trademark Infringement and Wins Case in Portugal

Courtroom scene with judge and Brazilian flag present.

A Brazilian company, Pmais Eventos, has achieved a significant legal victory in Portugal by successfully challenging the trademark registration of a brand it claimed was being used improperly. The case highlights the complexities of international trademark law and the importance of protecting intellectual property rights across borders.

Pmais Eventos, based in Recife, Pernambuco, took legal action against the registration of the CONIBEN trademark, which was being used by a Brazilian doctoral student, Caio César Torres Cavalcanti. The student had previously worked with Pmais in 2018 and allegedly registered the trademark without the company’s consent.

The Portuguese National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) ruled in favor of Pmais, declaring them the legitimate owners of the CONIBEN brand, which is recognized as the largest event in the electric sector across Brazil, Portugal, and Spain.

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